Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tremendous Spirit and Feminism Displayed in Charlotte...

Tremendous spirit. The enviable trait that Jane Eyre from Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre possesses is what stimulates her to achieve self-actualization despite the fact that she is a woman. True feminism isn’t as violent as a handful of vicious extremists claim it to be. The accurate definition of feminism is â€Å"the doctrine advocating women’s social, political, civil, educational and all other rights as equal to those of men.† Women of Charlotte Bronte’s era did not have basic rights such as the aforementioned. The feminist movement in the Victorian Era had only just begun and Jane Eyre was far ahead of her peers. Published in 1847, the bildungsroman novel of Jane Eyre was an intricate one, with subtle feminism carefully woven in it,†¦show more content†¦Jane flowers under Ms. Temple’s meticulous attention and finds a new thirst for learning which will stay with her her entire life. The education she receives from Lowood proves to be an indispensable one, for she becomes a teacher herself and wishes to become dependent. The desire for travel and a steady income leads Jane to advertise as a governess, a job most intelligent women would have spurned, for they were often paid little and had awful, spoiled children who were incredibly disinterested in the lessons of their governesses. Her advertisement was seen by the housekeeper of Thornfield Hall and a job was offered to her there which she took up to provide for herself and to confront the world. Jane Eyre’s main love interest, the wealthy and much older, Mr. Rochester, is also one of Jane’s antagonists. Their courtship was largely unorthodox. She was his illegitimate daughter’s governess and he was her employer. She lived at his estate while they were courting and that gave way to many difficult temptations. Jane stayed true to herself and did not allow for Mr. Rochester to ply her into whatever he wished. She respects herself too much to consent to his power plays. Jane’s passionate character is exemplified here, when she tells Mr. Rochester that she does not know what to make of him for she stills believes that he will marry another woman of more beauty and class. This is where she gives her famous speech: Do you think I can stay to become nothing to

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Community College Students At Professor Keo Trang s...

Method: Participants: The participants in this study were community college students in professor Keo-Trang’s psychology classes. (N=46) The ages of the participants ranged from seventeen to forty-one years old (M=22.8; SD=4.66). Females outnumbered the males fourteen to thirty two. Two separate psychology classes completed the same study. The first class was a research and methods psychology class (N=24) who completed the study during the beginning of the class. The second class was an intro to psychology (N=22). Participation for this study was voluntary and motivated by the promise of course credit or extra credit. Procedure: Each participant of the study completed their packets in each of their classes. The front page of each†¦show more content†¦Participants responded to each of the 29 items on this questionnaire using a six-point Likert scale ranging from one (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). Each of the twenty nine individual answers we added up and divided by the number of questions. Higher scores on the study indicated higher levels of happiness. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was developed by sociologist Dr. Morris Rosenberg et al (1965). The RSES is the most popular, widely used self-esteem measuring scale. The Rosenberg scale has shown high reliability. If a participant is given the survey on different occasions, the results will be similar. This survey is a ten-item Likert type scale with items answered on a four-point scale from strongly agree, to strongly disagree. This scale measures self-esteem by asking respondents to reflect on their current feelings at the time of the survey. The self-image survey was a questionnaire that asked respondents to state their current feelings on their personal self-image. This survey was based off of a simple two point scale. The number one represented yes, and number two represented no. The higher the individuals score on the questionnaire, the lower self-image someone has on themselves. Results: A correlation analysis was conducted to determine the linear relationship between participants scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (M = 19.1; SD = 3.04) and the Oxford

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Comparison of Witchcraft and Statanism free essay sample

There are many myths and misconceptions about Wicca or Witchcraft and Satanism that are often held by people of other faith based belief systems. If you go by some of the Evangelical Christians definition of a Satanist you are left with a very large percentage of the population being Satanist as only about 10% of the world’s population is Christian. They often think any religion that is not theirs has to be therefore a Satanist; hence Wicca or The Craft is thereby Satanic in nature. Wicca is a Nature based Neopagan religion. It is a giving and loving religion. Satanism also is an Earth based Neopagan religion. It on the other hand is very self centered and idiosyncratic. They have many similarities and differences from theology, principles and philosophy, ritual practices, magic/k use, and of course the use of magical tools in ritual. When looking at the differences in the two faiths they are so opposite it is uncanny how so many people see them as one and the same. When theology is brought into light between the two faiths one must see the many similitudes and differentiations in theologies alone. According to the Church of Satan, and its founder Anton LaVey, the religion of Satanism is an agnostic or atheistic religion. Satan is a symbol, nothing more, LaVey says. Satan signifies our love of the worldly and our rejection of the pallid, ineffectual image of Christ on the cross. Turn around and take a look at Wicca and The Craft and you will see it has so many traditions that it isn’t merely a monotheistic religion but due to the many sects and traditions it is also seen as a duotheistic, polytheistic, and henotheistic culture. Some sects are as Satanists believe, and are an atheistic religion. So in some sects Wicca and The Craft are so similar in nature to Satanism that many are duped into thinking they are one and the same. The most common sect in Wicca is of that of a duotheistic religion. The belief in Goddess/God as deity is common but many henotheistic chapters exist. Henotheistic beliefs are that the Goddess/God is a part of â€Å"The One†. As seen in Before Time Was, by Scott Cunningham, â€Å"Before time was, there was The One; The One was all, and all was The One. And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all wise, all pervading, all powerful, eternally changing. And space moved. The One molded energy into twin forms, equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God from The One and of The One. † Thus, whereas Satanists believe more in the symbolism of what Satan represents, most Wiccans believe in a faith based deity of some sort. Principles of Wicca and Satanism are about as different as apples and oranges. Wiccans believe in a set of principles that were set by the American Council of Witches back in 1974. The 13 principles all witches follow are far from the Satanists 9 Satanic Statements. Witches believe in the attunement with nature and its seasons, placing great importance on our environment and community, that the divine power is within all people as we are but vessels of their power, that power is to be used for the benefit of others, not to be used for the advancement of the self, and that witches need to dwell not just on this plane but also on the spiritual plane in order to achieve balance. The acceptance that all religions hold merit to their believers and that true power lies in the belief that tolerance of all faiths and a firm grasp that Wicca may be the witches way to what they feel is right but that John Doe has his belief system and who are they to judge another. When taking a glance at the 9 Satanic Statements one can see the huge discrepancies between the two faiths. With LaVey’s statements of what Satanism represents we are told to indulge the self, vital existence over dreams and hopes, undefiled wisdom over self deceit, kindness only to those who deserve it and not to be shared with those deemed unworthy, and that revenge is better than turning the other cheek. The only philosophy I found that was similar is the Harm none that is a law of magic power and its usage. Satanists, however do not apply it to all, according to the 11 Satanic Rules For Earth, the only 2 beings safe are small children and beasts that are not a source of food or killed due to self defense. In the practice of religious ritual many of the same characteristics have been used in the construction of base rituals used by both religions. The pre burning times Catholic Church is where Church of Satan has based its most famous of all rituals the famed â€Å"Black Mass†. Wiccans do not however have any masses held at all. They do both follow the pagan wheel of time calling the Sabbats and Esbats by differing names. For those who are laymen, a Sabbat is a religious holiday marking a significant point in the year. While Wiccans celebrate Esbats, full moon celebrations, Satanists don’t seem to follow the pagan year at all they only celebrate spring and fall equinoxes, and summer and winter solstices. Satanists see the biggest holy day of the year as an individual Satanists birthday. Wicca celebrates no such thing. â€Å"In his book Satanism, Bob Larson states that the most important Satanic day is the individual members birthday. Walpurgisnacht (April 30) and Halloween (October 31) are also important. But in his Appendix D, he states that Satanists have copied the seasonal calendar of Wicca. Besides the equinoxes and solstices, the only Sabbats both religions celebrate are Beltane/Wapurgisnacht, Apr 30, (when the Goddess/God procreate and scatter the seeds of life across the lands) and Samhain/Halloween Oct. 31 (when the God dies a death only to be reborn within the Goddess as her unborn child). When looking for the reasons Satanists celebrate these holy days I as a researcher could f ind no explanation as to why they celebrate some holy days yet did not even try to incorporate other holy days that Wiccans celebrate. Magic/k is called â€Å"The Power† by most Wiccan sects. It has a set of laws that each individual witch must adhere to diligently. The law of power actually is a list of not just the 1st law known by most as â€Å"An it harm none do as thou wilt† but as a list of 6 rules governing its use. Wiccan traditions go by the use of magic/k as need dictates, and do not use it in a frivolous manner. Most will also not use it on themselves unless doing so harms no one else. They also believe that money shouldn’t be exchanged for using magic/k to assist or help others. They believe that the use of magic/k and having the Goddess/God energies flow thru them is a gift that should never be abused or misused. In Scott Cunningham’s, Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, The Law of the Power states, â€Å"1. The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others, but if need arises, it may be used to protect you and those close to you. † A Satanist’s use of magic/k power is very different by their use of angels, arch angels, demons, and daemons. Satanists often raise the energies and magic/ks and instead of directing towards others is often directed toward themselves often fulfilling the 1st of the 9 Satanic statements and indulging themselves in its rewards. On the Church of Satan’s website there is a link to membership, this costs the applicant 200 dollars, which is non refundable. So again the Satanists follow a different set of rules. Wiccan sects often find that Satanists more often than not totally ignore the Laws of Magic/k Power. One analogy is that witchcraft is divine oriented hence is for others or community hence Divine law, Satanists on the other hand follow Satan’s 9 Statements and follow self indulgence and selfishness hence Satan’s law. One of the biggest areas of similarities and differences is in magical tools, Witches or Wiccans use many of the same tools as Satanists such as Athame, (Male symbolism, in Satanism, God symbolism in Wicca), Bolline, (practical knife, both), Chalice, (feminine symbolism in Satanism, Goddess symbolism in Wicca) but the next tool that is the most confused in all of Neopaganism we hit the Pentacle with Wiccans. A five pointed top pointing star surrounded oft times by a circle. Joseph Barressi explained it well when he said, It is more of a religious symbolism that is commonly explained by reference to the basic understanding that the five points of the pentagram represent the four elements air, earth, fire, and water with the addition of Spirit as the uppermost point. † Therefore, Divine Spirit rules over the elements keeping balance. Most Wiccans believe if it is consecrated in a magic circle that it has protective and grounding properties. Satanist’s version of a Pentacle is an Inverse Pentacle called a Pentagram. Satanists see the five pointed star as a symbol of Satan himself. Joseph Barressi, states, A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates. † Which makes perfect sense, when you add in to the selfish nature of The 9 Satanic Statements and 11 Satanic Rules for Earth; The Satanist wants the triumph of matter over spirit. The very sign it uses to represent itself is exactly as their Master Satan who according to Christianity, did exactly that and tried to overturn the heavens. So when seeing so many similarities, it should be easier to see why so many make the mistake of calling a Witch a Satanist. The differences show how the witch wants to help those in need in her community, tries to live green with her environment, and is a true Altruist. The Satanist by living by Satan’s laws of 11 Rules of Earth and 9 Statements prove that the Satanist is a true Narcissist. These two faiths are far from each other in almost all ways. So the Witch isn’t a Satanist any more than the Satanist is a Wiccan.

Monday, December 2, 2019

William Shakespeares Play, Hamlet, Was Full Of Deceit, And Subterfuge.

William Shakespeare's play, Hamlet, was full of deceit, and subterfuge. It is as if it were a Chess game brought to life in on a stage. As Chess there are two "Kings", Prince Hamlet and King Claudius, who control the moves of the other pieces. The others, being the pawns that they are, are maneuvered around, to spin an intracit web of lies and subterfuge. In this web people played people against one another. Each using the other to gain something, whether it is to get revenge, political advancement, or just to keep something wrongfully gained. In Hamlet, there are few people who can be called totally innocent of try to gain anything. Two such people are Queen Gertrude and Ophelia. Gertrude, if guilty of trying to gain anything, it would be only being guilty of trying to please everyone. She thrived on other people's happiness. She was the first person used in this play. Claudius, first killed her husband, King Hamlet, and then made her fall in love with him. He did this to gain the throne. She believes that this is the cause of Hamlet's madness. Gertrude loves her son with a passion boarding on obsession. She seems to need him to live. One of the reasons the king does not just kill Hamlet is because, "The Queen his mother lives almost by his looks." (224, line 11) She is also used by the King to spy on Hamlet, to see what made him insane, and if he knows that the King killed his father. The Queen also really loves the King, and does not want to see him hurt by Hamlet. However, this love of the king kills her in the end of the play. Ophelia also loves Hamlet, but she is persuaded by her father not to act on his "tenders"(42, line 104). She believes that she is the cause of Hamlet's madness, because she did not show him she loved him. She is pushed around by everyone. She is obedient to her father and brother. She is used by her father and the king to spy on Hamlet, but all that does she pushes her towards the brink of insanity. She is confused by Hamlet's crude speech around her. Ophelia finally goes insane when Hamlet kills her father. She becomes loud and crude, and then in the end, drowns. The only things that linked Ophelia and Gertrude together were their share love for Hamlet, and the ease at which they were used. I believe that Ophelia was Gertrude's foil, because she was almost like her. Ophelia just handled thing differently then Gertrude.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Sonnet 10, Adams Song, Jumper

Punk music, adult contemporary, and metaphysical poetry; it looks like these are all from different corners of the universe. Yet, â€Å"Sonnet 10† by John Donne, â€Å"Adam’s Song† by Blink 182, and â€Å"Jumper† by Third Eye Blind has a much closer relationship. These poems all agree that death can be an opportunity to a better life. John Donne (1573-1631) was one of the most renown, English poets of the Metaphysical period. An extremely religious man, Donne’s poems express his yearning for God and his obsession with salvation and death. These poems became known as the â€Å"Holy Sonnets.† For instance, Sonnet 10 emphasizes Donne’s belief in the immorality of the soul. Throughout the entire Sonnet, Donne speaks directly to death. Donne’s personification of death brings the ever so powerful and fearful being to a level equal of the common man. In the opening lines, Donne says â€Å"Death, be not proud, though some have called thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so;† Moreover, Donne believes that he cannot be killed; his body may be taken away but his soul will live on. â€Å"[P]oor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.† In the recent past, Blink-182 won a Teen Choice Award, a Blockbuster Music Award, and a MTV Award. In Europe they received an MTV Europe Award for Best New Act. They performed on Saturday Night Live and the Tonight Show (twice), appeared in American Pie and opened the Billboard Music Awards. The band also graced the covers of Rolling Stone, Alternative Press (twice), Teen People, Teen and CosmoGirl, just to name a few. With a forum of the magnitude, it is quite easy for Blink 182 to express their ideas and opinions. â€Å"Adam’s Song†, in particular is considered the most provocative and serious song they had ever written. Known for their immature behaviour and amusing lyrics, â€Å"Adam’s Song† deals with the touchy issue of teen suicide. The song opens with the striking line â€Å"I never thought I’d d... Free Essays on Sonnet 10, Adam's Song, Jumper Free Essays on Sonnet 10, Adam's Song, Jumper Punk music, adult contemporary, and metaphysical poetry; it looks like these are all from different corners of the universe. Yet, â€Å"Sonnet 10† by John Donne, â€Å"Adam’s Song† by Blink 182, and â€Å"Jumper† by Third Eye Blind has a much closer relationship. These poems all agree that death can be an opportunity to a better life. John Donne (1573-1631) was one of the most renown, English poets of the Metaphysical period. An extremely religious man, Donne’s poems express his yearning for God and his obsession with salvation and death. These poems became known as the â€Å"Holy Sonnets.† For instance, Sonnet 10 emphasizes Donne’s belief in the immorality of the soul. Throughout the entire Sonnet, Donne speaks directly to death. Donne’s personification of death brings the ever so powerful and fearful being to a level equal of the common man. In the opening lines, Donne says â€Å"Death, be not proud, though some have called thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so;† Moreover, Donne believes that he cannot be killed; his body may be taken away but his soul will live on. â€Å"[P]oor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.† In the recent past, Blink-182 won a Teen Choice Award, a Blockbuster Music Award, and a MTV Award. In Europe they received an MTV Europe Award for Best New Act. They performed on Saturday Night Live and the Tonight Show (twice), appeared in American Pie and opened the Billboard Music Awards. The band also graced the covers of Rolling Stone, Alternative Press (twice), Teen People, Teen and CosmoGirl, just to name a few. With a forum of the magnitude, it is quite easy for Blink 182 to express their ideas and opinions. â€Å"Adam’s Song†, in particular is considered the most provocative and serious song they had ever written. Known for their immature behaviour and amusing lyrics, â€Å"Adam’s Song† deals with the touchy issue of teen suicide. The song opens with the striking line â€Å"I never thought I’d d...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Live Large on an Entry Level Budget

How to Live Large on an Entry Level Budget You’ve finally landed an entry level job and everything has been going well.  Ã‚  You’ve gotten your first pay stub and you’re excited and ready to go out and spend that money on extravagant items. BUT WAIT, there’s one thing you forgot–you’ve got bills to pay! Now you find yourself in a position where you have to create a budget  so that you don’t spend your  money carelessly. Being an adult is tough work, but if you follow these 6 steps, you can develop an effective budget that will leave money in your pocket while still living large! 1.  Plan your budgetThe first, most obvious, step, is to make a budget. Mint is a great app that helps you track what you have coming in and where it goes where you spend it. It nudges you to remember to save some money for fun things like   entertainment, but also helps you save for large purchases or even retirement investments.2. Rent cheaper apartmentsYou have to live somewhere and it can be tempting to pick the coolest neighborhood or the shortest commute, near where your friends live or right by your favorite music venue. But casting your net a bit wider, geographically speaking, may help you maximize your floor plan while minimizing your monthly rent expenses.3.  Cook your own foodReal Talk: My first year of employment and New York living, the Chinese takeout near me knew my out-of-state area code and order so well they’d answer the phone with, â€Å"Yes, Virginia, steamed dumplings and†¦?† It was not a good look. As a newly fledged adult I’ve learned to cook the basics- proteins, pasta, roasted vegetables. Salt and pepper. Cooking even the simplest things is better for you than living on leftovers- and making smart (cheap) choices for breakfast and lunch lets you save a few bucks for a nice meal out now and then.4. Work on your bargain hunting skillsGet to know the stores that take consignment or accept trades. Sell back old textbooks. Build up your eBay skills so your listings are polished and professional, and see how your collectible former fads fare on the resale market.5.  Enjoy the FREE festivitiesMuseums and libraries are your new best friends; outdoor concerts are your bread and butter. Gallery openings, tourist offerings, offseason events with discounted fees, and of course apps like Groupon can all help you make the most out of that limited entertainment budget Mint helped you set aside!6. Take advantage of company perksThis will all depend on where you’re working, but often corporate employers have partnerships with entertainment venues, fitness centers, or educational organizations. They may even offer public transit rebates! Figure out how to make the most out of your employer’s strategic alliances to secure experiences or goods and services that make your life better!And finally, remember that this too shall pass- every annual review is a chance for a cost of living increase or a tit le bump. Eventually you will look back and wonder how you saved up all this money- and it’ll be because you developed responsible habits when you didn’t have much to spend.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dinner in the Sky. Export in Pakistan from the UK Essay

Dinner in the Sky. Export in Pakistan from the UK - Essay Example Dinner in the Sky currently operates in about more than 15 countries (, 2010). This report presents an opportunity to launch the service in Pakistan which appears to be a lucrative market. Pakistan is a growing economy as it will be shown through facts and figures mentioned in the report. The 12 C Framework on international business is also analyzed briefly for brevity purposes. In this, all the possible aspects of launching an international venture are discussed such as: external factors like cultural, political and economic factors which may negatively or favorably affect the business, along with the marketing communication adopted to promote the venture and competitive analysis over Dinner in the Sky’s advantage of its idea over its competition. ... Restaurants in Karachi are predominantly filled with customers and with waiting lines on weekends. Currently, the market is untapped as this will be totally a new attraction for the people of Karachi. As Dinner in the Sky is a Belgium based franchise, some property will have to be purchased/leased in Pakistan to gain the first mover advantage. The franchisee in Pakistan will be the owner of Dinner in the Sky in the UK and will purchase the property in Pakistan as a corporate entity or as an individual under business interest according to International Law (Mehdi, 2001). 3 Methodology: The methods of research used for this report was secondary data obtained from the Government of Pakistan’s regulatory bodies, in the form of reports, industry insights etc. The data is authenticated by the Government of Pakistan itself. Besides this, specifics of the restaurant industry were also studied and analyzed throughout the course of this report to gauge the prospects of launching Dinner in the Sky in Pakistan. 3.1 Market Segmentation: Dinner in the Sky will be aimed towards Social Economic Class A+, A, B+ and B. This consists of about 10% of the population of the city Karachi who belong to the SEC A and B (Saqib, 2007). The brand will be positioned as a premium brand and as a value leader in the restaurant industry. 3.2 The 12 C’s Framework: 3.2.1 Country Pakistan has a growing middle class which leaves it a lucrative market for lifestyle products/brands. The country registers a GDP of approximately $180 billion with per capita income of $2,000 (State Bank of Pakistan, 2011). On the negative side however, the economy is faced with a high inflation rate. This is damaging as it slows down economic growth. The country currently stands at 2%. This is 2%

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Income Statement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Income Statement - Case Study Example Revenue recognition is a significant issue because it is among the principles outlined under the GAAP that are to be followed when recording financial statements. In the field of accounting, the preparation of financial statements is guided by a number of principles. One of the main principles of accounting is the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). GAAP outlines a series of principles including the principle of revenue recognition. It outlines that entities should record and recognize revenue when a product has been delivered or there is the completion of a service. This includes the entity not having any regard to the timing of cash flow from the operations of the organization. For instance, if a business makes an order of one hundred compact discs from their supplier during the month of January, receives them in February and make payments in March. The wholesaler should record revenue in the month of February when he made the delivery rather than in January when a bus iness deal was established or in March when payment for delivery was received (Porter and Norton, 2009). The matching principle requires that business entities match their expenses with related revenues during the same financial period. The principle is majorly applicable in the determination of income for a specific time period. This is because the measurement of income involves the matching of revenues earned and the expenses incurred in the process of earning revenues (Norton, Diamond and Pagach, 2006). The first step in recording income for a business involves the determination of revenue which is later on followed by the deduction of the expenses incurred in earning that revenue figure. This eventually results in the determination of the net income figure. The idea behind the concept of the matching principle is that there is a cause and effect relationship between revenues and expenses. For instance, sales are as a result of the cost of goods sold expense and sales commissions . Part II Apple Inc is a US based company that specializes in the design and marketing of consumer electronics, software and personal computers. The company is one of the best performing companies in the global business market. Philips on the other hand is a Dutch company that specializes in the manufacturing of electronics. The company has emerged to be one of the strongest electronic brands in the global market. I have two financial periods for the companies including 2010 and 2009. The financial statements for Apple Inc and Philips are located under the following links: Apple Inc. Philips lish_2009.pdf Apple Inc and Philips follow the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles convention (GAAP) under their respective countries. Apple Inc prepares its financial statements on a basis that is consistent with the US GAAP whereas Philips prepares its fina

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Description of job Essay Example for Free

Description of job Essay We obtain more insight on the thoughts of the Pardoner through the description of his method of telling tales to trick people. We see this when he says For lewed peple loven tales olde;/ Swiche thinges kan they wel reporte and holde. From these two lines, we get the impression that the Pardoner holds himself in high regard because he sees other people as ignorant and simple-minded. This idea of self-importance is again emphasised in the later lines when he says For I wol preche and begge in sondry landes;/ I wol nat do no labour with mine handes,/ Ne make baskettes, and live therby,/ By cause I wol nat beggen idelly and That I wol live in poverte wilfully? / Nay, nay, I thoghte it nevere, trewely! . His refusal to even think about living in poverty and his unwillingness to put himself down and do manual jobs reflects on how he thinks he is of high social status. This is ironic because by gaining wealth through such unscrupulous means of tricking people, he is the one who is truly of lower moral character. We also gain insight on his character from his description of his job. He says that he would still want to enjoy the monetary gains from all his trickery even if Al were it yeven of the povereste page,/ Or of the povereste widwe in a village,/ Al sholde hir children sterve for famine. This three lines really show the extent of the evil side of the Pardoner that he almost seems inhuman and unfeeling because he shows no sign of discomfort in enjoying even at the expense of another persons life. We can gain another insight on the methods that the Pardoner uses when he says, Now hoold youre pees! My tale I wol biginne. Over here, the Pardoner is telling everyone to keep quiet and listen to his story. This is quite dramatic and we are reminded of the theme of performance because it seems as if he is acting for the other pilgrims. In conclusion, we are already able to see the various themes of The Pardoners Tale through the concerns and methods used by the Pardoner in the Prologue. Furthermore, this also contributes to providing us with a better characterisation of the Pardoner. This better understanding of the Pardoner is useful in comprehending the tale which he goes on to tell.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Why Was There Stalemate On The Western Front Between Germany And Franc

Due to the complexity of this question, it must be broken down before an attempt at answering it can be made. Following this, it will be easier to understand the exact context in which this article will consider this question. By asking ‘Why was there stalemate on the Western front’ two questions are actually being asked. Firstly, why did a stalemate start and secondly why did the stalemate continue between 1914 and 1918. The second issue within the question is the section that specifically refers to stalemate between ‘German and France’. It is debatable whether this refers to conflict between German and French armies or German and French territories. Since British and Belgian forces had a significant impact to conflict on the Western front and the inclusion of facts concerning these forces is necessary to answer in full the question ‘Why was there Stalemate on the Western front’. This article will take the opinion that the question asks for th e inclusion of all relevant events leading to and sustaining deadlock on the Western front. The structure of this article will look chronologically at the start of the deadlock followed by an analysis of the continuation and eventual end of the stalemate. When war began in the summer of 1914 both Germany and France had distinct ideas about how war should proceed. Germany, being the initiator of conflict, had the advantage of putting its ‘Schlieffen Plan’ into action first. The plan called for a large-scale invasion of France with a large proportion of the German army moving into France through Belgium. Paramount to the German plan was speed. In order for Germany to be able to invade Russia without worrying about France, Germany needed to defeat the French in a matter of weeks. Due to a number of unforeseen factors, the German plan failed and led directly to the deadlocked situation that would continue for over four years. As a result of alteration to the Schlieffen Plan, the complete failure of the French plan XVII and the intervention of British, Belgian and French forces, a situation that could only be described as stalemate was firmly established by November 1914. The events leading to this began on 4th August 1914 when around a million German troops poured into Belgium according to the Schlieffen plan. This when Germany met its first major setbacks as Britain, quite unexpectedly from Germany’s perspective, immed... ...anes of both sides went badly wrong, a large and unexpected confrontation resulted in all armies digging in to hold their ground. Despite numerous attempts to break through these positions, good defensive weapons and positions combined with equally adversaries resulted in a deadlock that could not be broken until the sides were no longer equal and better offensive methods had been developed. Deadlocked trench warfare seems the only logical method for which a prolonged war between powerful European countries could take place at the time. The weapons, technologies and tactics of the time were ideally suited to a defensive war and both sides exploited these when their ambitious plans for a quick war failed. In hindsight, these plans may seem silly, as it is obvious that the French and German plans could not both succeed and it is now known that the war lasted more than four years when the people who conceived these plans envisaged a war of only two or three months. But it must not b e forgotten how close Germany came to victory in the early stages. If just a few small things had happened differently then Germany may well have won and the world may well be a very different place today.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

MacDonald’s Corporation Essay

McDonald’s Corporation is an American based world’s leading company in the fast food industry. Headquartered in the United States, the company began in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice. McDonald in 1948 they reorganized their business as a hamburger stand using production line principles. Ray Kroc joined the company in 1955 as a franchise. A McDonald’s restaurant is operated by either a franchisee, an affiliate or the corporation itself. McDonald’s Corporation revenues come from the rent, royalties, and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. In 2012, McDonald’s Corporation had annual revenues of $27.5 billion, and profits of $5.5 billion. Products: Macdonald’s primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken burgers, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and deserts including ice-creams. Currently restaurant also expanded its menu to include salads, fish, wraps, smoothies and fruits in order to change the taste of the consumers. Company also serve soup in the Asian countries. The menu of the company differs according to the serving countries like prawn burger in Singapore. In Germany and western European countries MacDonald’s serve beer also. Operating countries: Macdonald’s corporation is one of the largest fast food selling company. It have 31,800 flagship restaurants serving nearly 68 million people in each day among the 119 countries worldwide. Mainly, company operated by franchisee, an affiliate or the corporation itself. Basically company is operated largely in America, Canada and European countries like U.K., Competitors: There are many fast food restaurant running currently in the market. However, Macdonald’s is one of the largest company operating internationally. Though, MacDonald’s itself is a brand but also it have some of the competitors in the market. There are many small fast food restaurant like as chicken and chips shops which serve the most of the items served by MacDonald’s in context to U.K. Besides these small fast food operating restaurant some of  other big company are also running internationally. Such as Burger King, KFC fast food, Sam, Subway, etc. All of these are the main competitors of the MacDonald’s. PESTLE ANALYSIS. POLITICAL FACTOR: The international operations of McDonald’s are highly influenced by the individual state policies enforced by each government. (2001) For instance, there are certain groups in Europe and the United States that clamour for state actions pertaining to the health implications of eating fast food. (2005) they have indicated that harmful elements like cholesterol and adverse effects like obesity are attributable to consuming fast food products. On the other hand, the company is controlled by the individual policies and regulations of operations. Specific markets focus on different areas of concern such as that of health, worker protection, and environment. All these elements are seen in the government control of the licensing of the restaurants in the respective states. For instance, there is an impending legal dispute in the McDonald’s franchise in India where certain infringement of rights and violation of religious laws pertaining to the contents of the food. The existence of meat in their menus in India is apparently offensive to the Hindu religion in the said market. In terms of the Asian countries there are many people who do not consume beef burger and it hurts their religion as well. This kind of act arise the dispute and violence and it affects the business of the company. Like also in Middle East countries, they have their political law that meat provided in the country should be Halal. The company should f ocus on the religion, ethnic and the political status of the operating countries for the sustainable business. There are also other studies that points to the infringement of McDonald’s Stores with reference to the existing employment laws in the target market. Like any business venture, these McDonald’s stores have to contend with the issues of employment procedures as well as their tax obligations so as to succeed in the foreign market. Political system: 1. Liberal democracy (less than half 191 UN members) A liberal democracy is a form of representative democracy in which elected representatives who hold power are limited by a constitution that emphasizes protecting individual liberties, equality and the rights of minority groups. Among the many liberties that might be protected are freedom of speech and assembly, freedom of religion, the right to private property and privacy as well as equality before the law and due process under the rule of law. Such constitutional rights, also called liberal rights, are guaranteed through various controlled institutions and statutory laws. Additionally, the constitutions of most contemporary liberal democracies prohibits majorities, which is rule by the will of majority, when it harms those in the minority. 2. Authoritarian or absolutist (Burma, Saudi Arabia) A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority. b. A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority. 2. An absolute doctrine, principle, or standard. 3. Communist (china, Cuba, North Korea) Communist reg the term â€Å"Communist state† is generally applied to a state with a republican form of government characterized by single-party or dominant-party rule by a Communist party which sets as its ultimate aim the construction of communism. Technically, â€Å"communist state† is a contradiction in termini as a communist society is in principle stateless; hence such states do not refer to themselves with this term, but rather as socialist states or workers’ states. It should therefore be understood that â€Å"Communist†, in this sense, refers to the Communist organization governing the state rather than the state structure itself (imes) 4. Theocratic (Iran, Vatican) Theocracy is a society governed by priests, or one whose government is heavily influenced by religious leaders. Originally, theocracy meant a system where divine law was the basis of all humanly enacted law, and in which religious and political hierarchies were merged. Today, the term  theocracy is applied to refer to the dominance of religion over state. Technological Factor: McDonald’s generates a demand for their own products. The Company’s key tool for marketing is by means of television advertisements. There are similarly some claims that McDonald’s are inclined to interest the younger populations more. The existence of play spots as well as toys in meals offered by the company shows this actuality. Other demonstration of such a marketing strategy is apparent in the commercials of they use. They employ animated depictions of their characters like Grimace and Ham burglar. Other advertising operations employ popular celebrities to promote their products. Company also have its marketing strategy like as Facebook, Google Ads, etc. The like has become endorsers for McDonald’s worldwide â€Å"loving’ it† campaign. Moreover, the operations of McDonald’s have significantly been infused with new technology. Elements like the inventory system and the management of the value chain of the company allows for easy pa yments for their suppliers and other vendors which the individual stores in respective markets deal with. The integration of technology in the operations of McDonalds tend to add value to their products. Basically, this is manifested in the improvements on its value chain. The improvement of the inventory system as well as its supply chain allows the company to operate in an international context. According to ( MacDonald’s are inventing the new ideas of technology. The company is also introducing wireless networking, PlayStation 2 video games consoles, internet terminals, flat screen televisions and music videos into its revamped stores. They are also providing free WiFi in the context to U.K. market. According to (marketingmagazine Jan 2011) MacDonald’s have started using contactless card payment service in U.K. This services helps in faster service for the consumer and saves the time period. Macdonald’s also have invented their new machinery equipment for the better service. They use new process for oil refining and latest machines which help in le ss pollution. They also use their cooked oil as bio diesel for their own delivery trucks. SOCIO- CULTURAL FACTOR Articles on the international strategies of McDonald’s seem to function on  several fields to guarantee lucrative returns for the organisation. To illustrate, the organisation improves on establishing a positive mind-set from their core consumers. McDonald’s indulge a particular variety of consumers with definite types of personalities. It has also been noted that the company have given the markets such as the United Kingdom, an option with regards to their dining needs. (2005) pointed out that McDonald’s has launched a sensibly valued set of food that tenders a reliable level of quality for the respective market where it operates. Additionally, those who are aged just below the bracket of thirty-five are said to be the most frequent consumers of McDonald’s franchises. As socio – cultural includes the attitudes of people, religion, their culture, taste, family, etc all this factor may affects the MacDonald’s company. As matter of fact, MacD onald’s opened in India have to be concern in selling the meat products like beef, mutton, and pork. The religion where these products are as offensive will not be consumed. Another example is selling meat products in Muslim based countries also. All the meat products should be Halal otherwise the consumer will not use the products. Other meat is pork which is not allowed to sell in the countries of Middle East like U.A.E, Dubai, Qatar etc. MacDonald’s should focus on the culture of the operating countries. The culture and tradition of the country also impact on MacDonald’s. Many people have tradition of not using the market cooked foods or they don’t have culture of eating outside, this also may affect the business of the company. Education and awareness is another factor. People may have the bad image of the food they consume if the quality of the food is not well. As a result they spread the negativity which may arise the fall in the sell. Another is age groups of people. So, company should emphasis on the socio-cultural aspect of the operating countries in order to provide the best service and obtain well business. Currently in U K MacDonald’s faced social problem. As from report from BBC, it was found about the sexual poem in the Kid Meal which was complained by the parents of the country and later the company apologised. LEGAL FACTOR In the external environment legal factor also have its impact in the different organisation and companies. In context to the fast food companies it arises the different problems. The legal issues regarding the quality of  foods, employees, environment and many more are some of them. There was a current roar against the fast food industry. It has forced McDonald’s to apply more close examination on their corporate social responsibility. As a whole it has addressed to requirement of the company to generate its corporate reputation to more positive and the more socially responsible company. The reputation of McDonald’s is obviously a huge question. Noticed on company’s web site, seems, that they have got steps to take in hand the key social condemnation that they abused them in the last decades. The company gave to their clients the corresponding data in which they need the relation of food essence of their products. This is to attend to the arguments of obesity c harged against the products of the company. In the same way consumers have provided freedom in a choice, whether they want to buy the meal. It is connected with socio-cultural market signs which they influence. For example, operations in predominantly Muslim countries demand, that their meat corresponded to Halal requirements of the law. In the same regard, those that operate in countries in the European Union should correspond to the existing laws forbidding usage of genetically modified meat products in their meal. Other legal concepts as tax obligations, employment standards, and requirements to a degree of quality are only a few of important elements on which the company should consider. Otherwise, smooth operations should be difficult to reach. Some issues may be: company sells fatty foods it may be changed in the operating countries. Other, MacDonald’s opens 24 hour in some places which also may be changed by the law and gets affected. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES 1. The threat of entry of new competitor   McDonalds, has make an entry barriers that others competitor cannot enter the fast food industry easily because, McDonalds have good product and services that customer has learned to expect from fast food industry.  · As we can see, people more choose McDonalds compare to others fast food like KFC, Burger King or A&W because MacDonald’s has cheaper price a lots of menu that suitable with Malaysian taste and good service like MC Delivery compare to others fast food restaurant.  ·The greatest strength was creating an image in the minds of the people and introducing them to the fast food culture. Delivery speed, customer care and cleanliness are the core strengths on  which these stores expanded. They created a corporate symbol and their advertisement campaigns were highly successful in establishing the brand image and logo in the minds of the millions. Two main competitors generally identified with McDonald are the Burger King a nd the KFC. McDonald marketing strategy is concerned with the internal resources.  ·A large amount of product differentiation exists in the industry. The McDonald brand ranks as 8th in Business Weeks Scoreboard over global brands. Furthermore the brands KFC and Pizza Hut are also represented (with place nr. 61 and 63 on the scoreboard). This signifies a large consumer preference to the global brands, and would create somewhat of a barrier for new entrants. 2. The bargaining power of supplier Different suppliers have different bargain powers in the fast food industry. There is the soft drink industry where mayor supplier brand names supplies products and brand value to the fast food industry. Then there is the large amount of smaller suppliers that delivers other products to the fast food industry. For example, Coca Cola and Pepsi. The market for soft drinks is dominated by a few companies. Mainly Coca Cola and Pepsi. These soft drinks suppliers are the only ones who have the capacity to match the needs of the global fast food chains. The domination of a few suppliers in an industry with more customers sets a high bargaining power for the suppliers.  · The fast food industry is interested in having the soft drink producers being a part of their own branding. The Pepsi and Coca Cola brand have a global brand ranking of respectively 23 and 1.  · With the smaller fast food places the soft drink suppliers are holding all the bargaining power, since the individual fast foo d companies does not form a significant part of the supplier clientele, and their business could be partially dependent of the suppliers willingness to provide necessary equipment for the company. 3. The bargaining power of customers (buyers) Since the industry is flooded with many different kinds of fast foods and many different suppliers of fast food, then the buyer are in a situation where many suppliers are offering products that have a certain similarity. Since the global fast food chains have been trying to match each other’s successful products and product packages, then the buyers can actually buy  similar products from multiple suppliers, and that is a situation the empowers the buyer.Furthermore, if the fast food industry does not match the demands of the buyers and the general consumer trends, then the buyers can choose not to buy their product and convince others to do the same.  · A good example of this is the movie ‘Super Size Me’ in America. It is a movie showing an ordinary consumer trying living of McDonald’s fast food, and the purpose of the movie was to see what the traditional fast food from MC Donald could do to your health if you were to eat their products for every mea l. This movie shows what the buyers possible reactions could be if not satisfied or not being pleased. The reactions from the whole market were a large change in consumer preferences and brand preferences. 4. The threat of substitute products or services The generic products of fast food are mainly considered as convenience. Convenience and availability are the main drivers for choosing fast food. However, this is backed up by focus on value. Since the market as a whole consists of many differentiated fast food companies, then the customers are used to having the option of choosing the best value products.  · The value of the substitute products in general matches the fast food products and the consumer preferences of the consumers. The substitute product offers both cheap value meals and quality products for both ends of the quality scale that the fast food industry normally targets. Furthermore, it offers healthy alternatives to match the consumer needs and wishes.  · The differences between McDonald and their others competitive are services of delivery that is Mc Delivery that give a good service, faster and make customer easy to buy from any kind of set of menu at McDonald’s. 5. The rivalry among existing firms in the industry McDonald however is far larger than most in the industry with 31,000 outlets compared to its nearest hamburger competitor Burger King, with 11,500 (Reuters, 2008). KFC (owned by 2nd largest competitor Yum! Brands (Yahoo7finance, 2008), Burger King and countless others sell similar product to McDonald.  · McDonald traditional competitors include many of the other fast food outlets across the country has been shown that the presence of a Burger King, for example, will increase the likelihood that McDonald will  open nearby. Thus, it can be seen that the threat of competition from traditional rivals is intense and should never be over looked. In general, McDonald and its main competitors (Burger King Corporation, Wendy’s International, Inc., Hardee’s, and Jack in the Box) are active in making fresh moves to improve their market standing and business performance by introducing their product innovation and launching many outlets franchise. A good example of this would be the price competition between multiple fast food chains’ value meals. Price dumping is normally a good way to attract new customers, or stealing customers from competing companies, and since it have been a growing consumer trend to go after these value meals, then it is a product category that have been adapted from most of the global fast food companies. The high level of competition forces the individual competitors to copy of each others are products and ideas quickly since the competitors are always keeping an eye out for new ideas for themselves, and so far there have been no way of protecting a burger or sandwich recipe. In Malaysia, every Chinese New Year, there will be a prosperity burger. Thereby they have found a way to differentiate, which gives them a bit more space to move in, and thereby a little less fierce competition.  · The main competition goes through the branding. In addition, the competition to create the strongest brand is fierce. Firstly, normal advertising through TV, posters radio-commercials are regular. However, the biggest brands like McDonald’s and Burger King have been branding their own brand through piggy backing on other brands power. Ecological Factors affecting International Business Environment or ecological factor is one of the aspect of external environment. Ecological factor is any factor, biotic (living) or abiotic (non-living) that influences living organism. All the environmental factor brings marked distributional, structural and functional changes in the living creatures which directly affects the business internationally. International business is highly influenced by the different ecological factors. Manufacturing industries, different organisations, food selling companies, etc faced the several problem through many environmental factors. For the sustainable growth and development of any business all the aspect  should be well matched. In absence or excess of any factor, which is necessary in the business may arise the depletion in the business. As a matter of fact, ecological factor should be considered vitally for the growth of international business. Below we will discuss some of the ecological factor that affects the business. 1. Climate, weather and climate change Any business can only be success in the favourable climate and weather of the place. Climate and weather is very important in order to have a growth of business. It affects the business in the unfavourable conditions. Especially climate, weather and climate change affect the industries such as tourism, farming, insurance etc. The adverse effect of climate change causes many problem in the industries. However, businesses that are dependent on long-term investment are likely to have larger impacts, because the consequences of climate change increase over time. So the industries of construction, real estate, transport and infrastructure are likely to be the most effected by climate change impacts. As for the example, tourism sector will be directly affected by the climate change and the weather condition of the place. People couldn’t broad to their destination due to the inconvenience. Climate change may occur high temperature, low temperature, high rainfall etc. in the improper time period which result problem for the tourist. Currently, in USA there was a high snowfall in the history which is due to the climate change. As a result the industries and companies are not able to run their business accordingly. Climate change will affect almost all forms of infrastructure: electricity, gas, and water in the utilities as well as transport access and telecommunications. This in turn will affect people. 2. Natural calamities Natural calamities or disasters are another factor of ecology which affect dynamically on the business. These disaster came unknowingly and create the adverse effect not only on the business but also affect people. Natural disaster affect all small and large types of business. Natural disaster includes flood, landslides, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, storm, hurricane, and others. If one of these occurs than it brings the wide problem in all  companies and industries. Additionally, natural disasters have larger repercussions for small businesses because they often operate from a single location. As small businesses also gets the majority of their business from customers in the surrounding area, any of these disaster may bring the adverse effect. As for example last year storm in New York causes several problems. Business are closed for many days due to unviability of electricity, water, telecommunication, transportation etc. Due to this factor business cannot take off and there was a huge loss in all sector of businesses. Another example is flood in Pakistan, Tsunami in Philippines, volcano in Indonesia, earthquake in japan etc. As of the report Japan nearly need a year to recreate it business in all of the sector. Not only the host countries businesses get affected but also they affects worldwide. There will be shortage of supply and recession may arise. 3. Pollution and wastes Another ecological factor affecting the business internationally is pollution. It is one of the most important factor which is to be consider in the change in businesses. Mainly there are air, water, noise and land pollution. All of these four pollution creates the adverse effect in current business sector worldwide. All type of businesses are influenced from pollution. Manufacturing industries are highly affected through this factor. Due to high pollution businesses cannot produce high number of product due to which it generate loss in the industries. Chemical industries are main source of water pollution, they are advised to deactivate their chemicals and proper managements for their waste and build separate place to dispose it. Due to which companies need to spend big amount of money for the waste management. In china government encourage to use the public transport instead of private due to extreme air pollution. This directly affects the motor industries sector as their sales ge t decrease. According to the report from BBC, due to the extreme air pollution in Hong Kong it is very difficult for the people. Tourism industries is influenced as people cannot see the proper scenery due to the air pollution. As from report air quality in Hong Kong is three times worse than London and New York. Wastes management also affect the business sector. Proper waste management gives the healthy environment. Mainly food factories and restaurants are affected due to waste  pollution. 4. Global warming and depletion of resources Global warming is the average increase in the temperature of the earth in air level and oceans. Industries including agriculture, tourism, health, real – state etc. are main sector of business which are affected. Due to the pollution and global warming the depletion of Ozone layers is highly occurring as a result the UV rays of sun will directly fall in the earth surface and increases its temperature. This affects the wildlife, agriculture and others sector dynamically. The business in this sector gets affected and it creates the vital problem. Another is depletion of natural resources. Raw materials are one of the important ingredients to run any type of business. All the manufacturing industries required raw material to run their business. Due to the global warming and improper use of resources it difficult for the companies to find raw materials which may result closing of the businesses. Scarcity of raw materials typically slow down the long term strategies and responses b y the business, thereby missing on opportunities to make early moves and position themselves competitively. Ecological Factor affecting MacDonald’s MacDonald’s corporation is one of the largest fast food selling company globally. It have its companies in more than 119 countries serving 68 millions of people each day. McDonald’s is growing day by day by increasing the number of restaurant. The main source of ingredient and packaging is nature. McDonald’s has a Rain Forest Policy, which declares its commitment to beef purchasing practices that do not contribute to tropical de-forestation. Everyday McDonalds using a huge amount of napkins, carryout bag, tray lines, clamshells. Oil and water is other major ingredient using in MacDonald’s. Environment is the most important in context to the business of MacDonald’s. As most of the ingredients came from the environment and they need depend on it. However, due to different ecological factors there is imbalance in the ecosystem and environments gets affected. As a result various impacts affects the business of MacDonald’s. Some of the ecological factors which affects MacDonald’s corporation are discussed below: 1. Global Warming and climate/weather change The process of changing the temperature of the earth surface gradually and occurring the unfavourable climate is known to be global warming. In a common way, having the imbalance climate and weather in earth surface which is not acceptable for the living creatures indicates as global warming. MacDonald’s is the fast food selling company which is highly affected due to the impact of climate change and global warming. Most of the materials used by the company are fully available from nature. First of all let we discuss the resources used by the MacDonald’s to run its business. They use different animals such as beef, chicken, pork, etc. Vegetables and salad are also most important for their productions. Organic coffee beans which comes from tropical rain forest is another raw materials which are used. Other several resources are used to run the business. Climate change and global warming creates impact in the whole environment not only in the numbers of product. MacDonald’s use the coffee beans from African tropical forest, due to the climate change their will not be the favourable environment to produce the organic coffee, as a result company need to use for cost to recreate its business. On the other hand, customers may not be fully satisfied because of non-organic and in concern to the health. Also tropical deforestation is becoming one of the vital problem which generates the low production of resources. This result the fall in the business. Different animals are used in the burger of MacDonald’s, due to global warming the UV rays of the sun are reflect back into the earth and its temperature rises gradually which makes difficult for the creature to survive. Global warming brings the unpredictable weather conditions. This will bring the bad impact in the business like MacDonald’s. As of the current example, heavy snowfall in New York City which is due to the global warming. Many places were affected due to that unpredictable snowfall. As a result all the companies including MacDonald were also closed for several days. Overall, global warming and climate change is one of the hot topic of concern in current situation. Food sectors and many more are adversely affected through unpredictable change in the environment. All the business sectors are fully responsible to do a research and generate awareness in controlling the environment. 2. Natural Disaster, pollution and resources depletion. Natural disasters are those calamities which have not any time period to happen. They happens automatically and unknowingly. It includes flood, landslides, earthquake, volcano, etc. Food selling companies like MacDonald’s are directly affected due to this type of disasters. Normally, people are affected in the places of occurrence. So, the business of that places influenced badly. In terms of MacDonald’s in U.K, beef are provided from Scotland. If disaster like landslides or earthquake happens than there will be difficulties in the transportation facilities. Other like communication, electricity, water facilities, etc are also affected. Due to which there will not be supply of goods. As a result it slow down the business of MacDonald’s and customer are will not be satisfied. As for the example, tsunami in Japan, Flood in Pakistan, storm in USA, etc directly affects the business. Due to this factor MacDonald’s are closed for long period of time. Pollution is also one of the ecological factor which created disturbances in the business of food selling companies. As MacDonald’s corporation use most of the natural resources for it food production, pollution mainly affects the environment. Harmful gases are released by the different manufacturing industries which creates air pollution. Due to this pollution there is more probability of acid rain which dynamically affects the living creatures and plants. MacDonald’s use coffee bean seeds from tropical rain forest, but due to acid rain it will generate several problems and will not be more organic. Different kinds of diseases will emerge in the animals like beef, chicken and pork. As MacDonald’s is popular for Hamburger, the diseases like swine flu will directly affect in the pork, another bird flu in chicken and others. Government may apply the new rules regarding water, noise and land p ollution which may also affects the opening of new branches worldwide. Depletion of natural resource is another major factor. Deforestation, water resource depletion, wildlife degradation are some of them. All this will adversely affect the ecosystem which creates scarcity of resources. MacDonald’s may face the scarcity of the raw materials required for its production due to deforestation in the tropical forest. Due to lack of water resources it generate the negativity in the productions of drinks and other products. Hence, natural disaster, pollution and resources depletion affect the business of MacDonald’s in a major way. MacDonald’s need to focus on these factors to create its business  successfully in worldwide. Preservation and long term usage of production should be in action. Long term strategies and external sources should be implemented in order to get the sustainable business and growth of the company. MacDonald’s responding to the ecological factors. a) Other areas of improvement include coffee beans and milk. McDonald’s now only uses those beans certiï ¬ ed by the Rainforest Alliance; and uses organic milk for milkshakes and hot beverages. It has Rainforest policy where it is completely against tropical deforestation supporting the balance in eco-system. b) Recycling and reusing of the products (to decrease the pollution) c) Separate agriculture and farming facilities to produce for its own use. (eg, beef, pork, chicken, vegetables) d) Use of vacuum urinating facilities(preserve water resources) e) Using paper bags instead of plastic, easy to dispose f) Use its grease oil for its own delivery trucks g) it have its separate waste management site which helps to make community clean h) McDonald’s worked with Conservation International to develop an environmental scorecard. It drives greater awareness of resource use (energy, water, air emissions and waste) with the ultimate goal of reducing our environmental impacts i) To provide customer with both good food and good value, MacDonald consider priorities for food safety, quality and cost–as well as sustainability–when making sourcing decisions. Their vision for a sustainable supply chain links responsibility for ethical, environmental and economic outcomes. j) McDonald’s has developed a next generation â€Å"low oil volume† (LOV) fryer that uses about 40% less cooking oil and 4% less energy maintaining the SAME Great taste. Hence these are available in restaurants around the world. As a result of this, environmental action plans have been developed to address these issues. For example, McDonald’s has a policy of sourcing its food as close to home as possible, with approximately 70 percent of the company’s food coming from the UK and Ireland k) In a ï ¬ rst for the quick-service restaurant industry, McDonald’s opened the world’s ï ¬ rst hydroï ¬â€šurocarbon (HFC)-free restaurant in 2003 in Denmark. The result is that the restaurant does not use Freon in its  refrigerants, thereby helping cut down on harmful climate changing emissions. As further proof of its commitment, McDonald’s’ efforts at efficient packaging and recycling have been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, the Campus Ofï ¬ ce Building received the LEED-EB Platinum award in2009, in recognition for its ‘green’ initiatives. Future developments work MacDonald’s can use the electrical heating instead of gas to save the resources Also can use the latest machinery equipment which produce less emission of harmful gases Using less fridge and freezer which emits harmful gas such CFC. Use new technology to open the new restaurant which have less effect on environment featuring the Rainforest Alliance Certified MacDonald’s celebrate their work with the Rainforest Alliance and want to inform customers that they should feel good about purchasing their espresso beverages that are brewed with 100% Espresso from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. Environment awareness campaign Intellectual properties: Patents Patents protect what makes things work – like what makes a wheel turn or the chemical formula of your favourite fizzy drink Copyright Copyright is an automatic right which applies when the work is fixed, that is written or recorded in some way Trade mark Trademarks are signs (like words and logos) that distinguish goods and services in the marketplace Design Designs protect the appearance of a product/logo, from the shape of an aeroplane to a fashion item Types of Market: 1. Monopoly 2. Oligopoly 3. Monopolistic Monopolistic competition is a market structure where many companies sell similar products, but are not identical. Firms in this market structure are a monopolist for their brand. There is freedom of entry and exist into the industry as there are no barriers such as strategic raw material, very high  start –up cost and lack of information. Mc Donald’s maintains its competitive advantage with ‘Big Mac’ as its biggest attraction and backbone of the corporation.(ukessay) So how McDonald has managed to compete with other monopolies? McDonald’s have their own profitable specialty coffee in the form of McCafes, a concept taken from Starbucks. Recently, McDonald’s has remodelled the design of some of their restaurants, replacing their fiberglass tables and industrial steel chairs with wooden tables, comfortable faux leather chairs, and have painted their interiors of muted colours of orange, yellow, and green. McDonald’s not only have borrowed Starbucks’ concept of coffee, but have also begun borrowing the same design and feel. McDonald’s has gone under this remodelling with their restaurants to bring down other top competitors such as Burger King and Wendy’s since they are not as successful and cannot afford such upgrades to their own restaurants. Non-price competition is a way of how firms attract consumers with factors other than price, such as style, service, or location. So how McDonald has used non-price competition to convince customers to come to them instead of other burger places. Macdonald’s has not only been trying to beat other top competitors in the burger industry. It has also been competing with restaurants that are not even fast food chains. One of the examples of non fast food chains that McDonald’s has been trying to draw customers away from is Panera Bread. McDonald’s has also been trying to bring customers away from Chipotle, a Mexican chain that was originally owned by McDonald’s until October 2006. McDonald’s has also competed with Starbucks Coffee with the selling of their McCafes. 4. Perfect competition Globalisation, its indicator and main driver. Hetal (1999) defines globalisation as, ‘ the widening, deepening and speeding up of all worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, from the cultural to the criminal, financial to the spiritual. It helps in following: increased international trade a company operating in more than one country greater dependence on the global economy freer movement of capital, goods, and services Recognition of companies such as McDonalds and Starbucks in less economically developed countries. INDICATORS OF GLOBALISATION: 1. International trade 2. Financial flows 3. Migration DRIVERS OF GLOBALISATION: 1. Economic ( benefits of economies of scale, cheap labour) 2. Technology (communication and transportation) 3. Political/regulatory BARRIERS TO GLOBAISATION: 1. Government regulation( tarrifs and subsidies, border and immigration control, public procurement, control on capital flows) 2. Cultural and geographic distance (taste, culture, language, religion, corruption, work culture) DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES: 1. Population 2. Ethnicity 3. Religion CSR and MacDonald’s Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives (â€Å"Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach†), while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. Key CSR issues: environmental management, eco-efficiency, responsible sourcing, stakeholder engagement, labour standards and working conditions, employee and community relations, social equity, gender balance,  human rights, good governance, and anti-corruption measures. Being a responsible corporate citizen, McDonald’s firmly believes in giving back to the communities it operates in. they love to provide support and encouragement to the people who need it the most. All our restaurants contribute to their local community and every year we help set up and support numerous educational, sporting and charity programs designed to help a wide range of people. McDonald’s has a proactive approach to charities and sponsorships. We believe these help inspire and support the people of Pakistan, especially the underprivileged ones, to live a better life. We are dedicated to delivering great experiences through our ongoing community support programs. Some of the program done by MacDonald’s: 1. In Pakistan, litter patrol set up in the neighbour to pick up litter and aware the people, cleaning campaigns, walk for cruelty of killing animals, support woman, support the thalassemia society in Pakistan. 2. In UK, clean the surrounding near the restaurant, fix litter patrol, keep Britain clean campaign, feeding program in London Olympics, charities and support to the different clubs, support education sectors. 3. Support various community based programs such as sponsoring education for the poor people in India and Asian countries. 4. Support in sports and encourage children to physically fit. MacDonald’s use low energy LED light bulbs, energy saving equipment and waterless urinals, and recycle used cooking oil into biodiesel to fuel more than half of our delivery trucks. They also recycle the cardboard boxes used in more than 89% of our restaurants, and more than 85% of our packaging is made from renewable resources. They are the Community Partner Community Partner of t he four nations’ Football Associations. This means it work with local football clubs, schools, youth teams and junior leagues around the UK. MacDonald’s programme gives people the chance to volunteer and qualify as a football coach so they can give free, high-quality coaching to young people across the country. They also organise daily litter patrols and work with environmental charities Keep Britain Tidy , Keep Wales Tidy , Keep Scotland Beautiful and Tidy Northern Ireland. Most of our charity work is focused on supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities, an independent charity which McDonald’s has supported for over 20 years. Ronald McDonald House Charities provides a ‘home away from home’ for families with children undergoing  treatment in hospital. The Charity relies on voluntary donations, and you can find collection boxes in every single one of our restaurants. MacDonald’s also invest over  £360 million a year in the UK agricultural industry. The majority of our ingredients come from Britain and Ireland, with more than 17,500 British and Irish farmers providing us with ingredients such as beef, Freedom Food pork, free-range eggs, organic milk and potatoes. E Business: McDonald’s is one of the most recognisable brands in the world, yet also has to battle a fair amount of negative publicity The McDonald’s UK page has more than 30m fans, and its local market pages have all attracted several hundred thousand ‘likes’. Data collected by Internet Access – Households and Individuals, 2013 In 2013, 36 million adults (73%) in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day, 20 million more than in 2006, when directly comparable records began. Access to the Internet using a mobile phone more than doubled between 2010 and 2013, from 24% to 53%. In 2013, 72% of all adults bought goods or services online, up from 53% in 2008. In Great Britain, 21 million households (83%) had Internet access in 2013. Broadband Internet connections using fibre optic or cable were used by 42% of households, up from 30% in 2012. Globalisation strategy of McDonald: McDonald’s has developed their unique globalisation strategy. McDonald include their fore main characters to make perfect business strategy. Are shown as below 1 Think globally but act locally 2 Pricing 3 Advertising strategies 4 Social responsibility 1. Think Globally but Act Locally: The main aim of the McDonald’s Corporation is to focus locally with the global strategy. It always performs and supply all the operation, systems as per the requirement of the local factors. It always try to be fit in local traditions, cultures, society and political. McDonald’s Corporation always  keep special factors in mind while making their business strategy. It always performs as per the requirements of the different markets. Macdonald expenses lots of resources to develop and create its products as pre the local demands and traditions. However, once McDonald’s corporation failed to do this, while establishment in Germany and Netherlands, consumers did not accept their local menu in the year 1970 because they wanted American food rather than their local menu. After this experience company realised that every restaurant’s local menu should incorporate some local tests as well but at a minimal level.At the time of establishing in India, McDonald has considered that Hindu community does not eat beef as per their Hindu belief. Therefore, they specially introduced new vegetarian series of the product in their menu. Also taking Muslim community in focus that Muslims did nit consume poke. Therefore, they only sell chicken and lamb. It had done separate preparation for Vegetarian and non-vegetarian. 2. Pricing: The other most important feature is their price differentiates than their competitor. This pricing strategy of McDonald’s corporation is very reliable and unique. While fixing the price McDonald’s takes some factors in consideration like local life style, income of the family, location etc. The time of fixing price for the products, they also focus on the primary target group of the company, lower and power level. McDonald’s enters in most of metropolitan city of the country in which it enters.Sometime during period of lean time company offers discounted price to boost their sell in short McDonald’s corporation believes that to stay longer life in the market we should have unique pricing policy. 3. Advertising/Promotional strategies: Advertising is the other platform to the company by the help of which company introduce their product, boost to the customers etc. every organization have their unique and own promotional strategies. Here McDonald’s arranges their promotional strategy as a part of advertisement. The worldwide promotional activities of the McDonald’s corporation is organised by â€Å"DDB Needhamand Leo Burnettas† well their local collaborates in different countries. It sometimes organised by the local advertising company also. Other than advertisement, McDonald’s corporation uses more promotional tools to promote their product. Company offers their product at law price; it gives toys to  the children etc. most successful promotional strategies became very popular now days .McDonald’s has for decades maintained an extensive advertising campaign. In addition to the usual media (television, radio, and newspaper), the company makes significant use of billboards and signage, sponsors sporting events ranging from Little League to the Olympic Games and makes coolers of The Orange with their logo available for local events of all kinds. Nonetheless, television has always played a central role in the company’s advertising strategy. In January and February 2008 there was an offer of buy one get one free by McDonald’s UK particular for the Big Mac. Company introduced press coupons and those coupons can be exchanged at the McDonald’s restaurant to get benefit of the product. To date, McDonald’s has used 23 different slogans in United States advertising as well as a few other slogans for select countries and regions. At times, it has run into trouble with its campaigns

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Optimism and Robinson Crusoe

â€Å"A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty† Winston Churchill From the time human were born, they have been facing up with difficulty, every time, everywhere, and never miss anyone. Our races have overcome and will overcome abundant problems, no matter how complex they were or they will be. And, very natural, it is the optimism that leads us from victory to victory, like Churchill had said; make us see the light, even the slightest, in the darkness. We always see the just how optimism has assisted we human, in term of both literature, in the novel Robinson Crusoe, and the history of medical science. Sometimes, being optimistic is the best thing people can do, which is shown clearly in Robinson Crusoe. The protagonist, Robinson, is lost on an island. He himself with manages to survive and even make his life on the island become more comfortable. He has never given up hopes or lost his optimism, always thinks that one day he will come back home. Not once does he succumb to the fate and be depressed like many other would be in that case. His optimism and his indefatigable make his hope finally be fulfilled; he is able get back to his country after 28 years on the island in the sea. If he was not sanguine about his life and just believed hopelessly that he would die in that island, he would not be able to success. This fact strongly substantiates how optimism can change our life even in the most trying circumstance. Provided that we keep being optimistic and try our best, we can overcome any problems in life. Another case when optimism plays an essential role is in medical science, where we day to day struggle with many deadly diseases, one of which is AIDS. AIDS, which has infected million of people and caused a lot of death, is one of our biggest problems in the 21st century. There was once it is believed that this disease is incapable of being cured but the scientist did not lose there will. They had made indefatigable effort to scrutinize AIDS and they are sanguine that one day in the future AIDS will be curable. Time passed by and this notion has been gradually proven. Today, many breakthroughs in science have shed light on AIDS, thought there are not medicine that can cure AIDS, it has been strongly believed that in the near future, when we fully understand AIDS, it will be curable. People, with optimism can overcome any things in our life; which has been proven through the history of our race. It is optimism which is the most important factor of any victories.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Words Spelled with AE

Words Spelled with AE Words Spelled with AE Words Spelled with AE By Maeve Maddox Words with the AE digraph (two letters written together to express one sound) are often misspelled by reversing the letters, for example, writing â€Å"Ceasar† for Caesar. Once I had a high school student who spelled his name Micheal. The first time he turned in a paper, I corrected his name. When I understood that it was the spelling on his birth certificate, I learned (with difficulty) to control the impulse to correct it. Here are five proper names that are spelled with the AE digraph: Aesop Cadfael Caesar Maeve Michael An ae proper noun often misspelled is Israel. Here the ae is not a digraph, but two separate letters representing two distinct sounds: Is-ra-el. Most of the ae words remaining in English have variant spellings, but a few are spelled only with the ae, even in American usage: aerate aerobics aeronaut maestro Some ae words have variant spellings: aesthete/esthete anaemia/anemia anapaest/anapest archaeology/archeology caesura/cesura encyclopaedia/encyclopedia mediaeval/medieval judaeo/judeo paean/pean The word faerie, can be used as variant spelling of fairy, but more often it refers to fairies collectively. With the variant spelling faery, it refers to the realm where fairies live, a land of enchantment: Faerie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold. J. R. R. Tolkien On Fairy Stories in Tree Leaf 11, 1964   Ã‚   The entry for the word daemon in Merriam-Webster states flatly, â€Å"variant spelling of demon.† The OED entry for daemon gives this definition: A [computing] program (or part of a program), esp. within a Unix system, which runs in the background without intervention by the user, either continuously or only when automatically activated by a particular event or condition. As any fan of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials can tell you, neither dictionary has done an adequate job of defining daemon: A dà ¦mon is a type of fictional character in the Philip Pullman fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials. Humans in every universe are said to have dà ¦mons, although in some universes they are visible as entities physically separate from their humans, and take the form of animals, while in other universes they are not. Wikipedia, â€Å"Daemon (His Dark Materials)† The different pronunciations of the ae spelling must be left to another post. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Inquire vs Enquire20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"What the Heck are "Peeps"?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Appositives in English

Definition and Examples of Appositives in English In English grammar, an appositive is a  noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it. The word appositive comes from the Latin for to put near. Nonrestrictive appositives are usually set off by commas, parentheses, or dashes. An appositive may be introduced by a word or phrase such as namely, for example, or that is. Appositive Exercises Practice in Identifying AppositivesSentence Building with Appositives Examples of Appositives My father, a fat, funny man with beautiful eyes and a subversive wit, is trying to decide which of his eight children he will take with him to the county fair. (Alice Walker, Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens. Harcourt Brace, 1983)The hangman, a grey-haired convict in the white uniform of the prison, was waiting beside his machine.(George Orwell, A Hanging, 1931)The Otis Elevator Company, the world’s oldest and biggest elevator manufacturer, claims that its products carry the equivalent of the world’s population every five days. (Nick Paumgarten, Up and Then Down. The New Yorker, Apr. 21, 2008)Christmas Eve afternoon we scrape together a nickel and go to the butchers to buy Queenies traditional gift, a good gnawable beef bone. (Truman Capote, A Christmas Memory. Mademoiselle, December 1956)Television was left on, a running tap, from morning till night. (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, 1932)Though her cheeks were high-colored and her teeth strong and yellow, she looked like a mechanical woman, a machine with flashing, glassy circles for eyes. (Kate Simon, Bronx Primitive, 1982) I have had the great honor to have played with these great veteran ballplayers on my left- Murderers Row, our championship team of 1927. I have had the further honor of living with and playing with these men on my right- the Bronx Bombers, the Yankees of today. (Gary Cooper as Lou Gehrig, The Pride of the Yankees, 1942)The essence of loneliness is that one both remembers and hopes, though in vain, in the midst of ones dissolution. Plain nothingness compared to it is a comfort, a kind of hibernation, a tundra of arctic whiteness that negates feeling and want. (Alexander Theroux, in An Interview with Alexander Theroux. Review of Contemporary Fiction, Spring 1991)The Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, Africas only nuclear power plant, was inaugurated in 1984 by the apartheid regime and is the major source of electricity for the Western Capes 4.5 million population. (Joshua Hammer, Inside Cape Town. Smithsonian, April 2008)The Spectator. Champagne for the brain. (ad slogan for The Spectator magazine) Xerox. The Document Company. (slogan of Xerox Corporation)The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call out there. (Truman Capote, In Cold Blood. Random House, 1966)They passed the last house, a small grey house set in the open field. Yellow gullies ran across the field, bald plateaus of snow-smeared sod between gully and gully. (Robert Penn Warren, Christmas Gift, 1938)Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, inventor of the cornflake and peanut butter, not to mention caramel-cereal coffee, Bromose, Nuttolene, and some seventy-five other gastronomically correct foods, paused to level his gaze on the heavyset women in front of him. (T. Coraghassen Boyle, The Road to Wellville. Viking, 1993)Dads shop was a messy disaster area, a labyrinth of lathes...My domain was the cramped, cold space known as the music room. It was also a messy disaster area, an obstacle course of musical instruments- piano, trumpet, baritone horn, valve trombone , various percussion doodads (bells!), and recorders. (Sarah Vowell, Shooting Dad.  Take the Cannoli: Stories from the New World.  Simon Schuster, 2000) As I stood on the platform beneath another, fairly recent London civility- namely an electronic board announcing that the next train to Hainault would be arriving in four minutes- I turned my attention to the greatest of all civilities: the London Underground Map. What a piece of perfection it is, created in 1931 by a forgotten hero named Harry Beck, an out-of-work draftsman who realized that when you are underground it doesnt actually matter where you are. (Bill Bryson, Notes From a Small Island. Doubleday, 1995)The sky was sunless and grey, there was snow in the air, buoyant motes, play things that seethed and floated like the toy flakes inside a crystal. (Truman Capote, The Muses Are Heard)[N]othing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose- a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, letter I in Frankenstein, 1818)And then there was that feeling one gets in a ride to a cemetery trailing a body in a coffin- an impatie nce with the dead, a longing to be back home where one could get on with the illusion that not death but daily life is the permanent condition. (E.L. Doctorow, Homer Langley. Random House, 2009) Observations on Appositives The appositive is a substantive or nominal set off by commas from the word which it identifies. We say that the appositive is used in apposition with the other word. Ex: The king, my brother, has been murdered. Ex: we spotted Tom Hanks, the movie star, at the cafe yesterday.In the first example, the noun brother is used in apposition with the subject king. The appositive renames or describes the subject king by specifying which king the sentence is about. In the second example, the noun star is used in apposition with the proper noun Tom Hanks, a direct object. The appositive clarifies the proper name, telling us which Tom Hanks was seen. For all we know, the writer could have a cousin named Tom Hanks. Remember that the appositive and the noun to which it refers always share the same four properties- gender, number, person, and case- since they both name the same entity. (Michael Strumpf and Auriel Douglas, The Grammar Bible. Owl Books, 2004) Punctuating Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Appositives Bens brother Bob helped him build the house. If Ben has more than one brother, the name Bob would be necessary to identify which brother is being discussed- in other words, to restrict the meaning of the word brother. If Ben has only one brother, the name Bob would be additional information not essential to the meaning of the sentence; Bob would be a nonrestrictive appositive. Nonrestrictive appositives are always set off by punctuation. Since no punctuation surrounds the appositive Bob in this example, we know that Bob is a restrictive appositive (and that Ben has more than one brother). (Gary Lutz and Diane Stevenson, The Writers Digest Grammar Desk Reference. FW Publications, 2005)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Proofreading services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Proofreading services - Essay Example o  The writer first reads through the order instructions to ensure they are understood and all necessary research materials are availableï‚ §Ã‚  If anything is unclear or materials are not available, the writer will contact you to request clarification or to arrange for alternate materials, writers or whatever it takes to ensure the order is completed satisfactorily.o  The writer then begins the research process, seeking out up-to-date information from quality sources and required texts. o  With the necessary research in hand, the writer then engages in the writing process, making sure to format the paper according to specifications and, as much as possible, within your individual experience and educational level.o  Upon completion of the writing process, the writer will proofread the finished paper for ‘flow’, adherence to your provided instructions and common grammar or typographical errors. o  The completed paper is then uploaded to the Research Paper Wri ter website†¢Ã‚  When completed papers are uploaded to the website, they are automatically processed through various engines that check for plagiarismo  Engines used are carefully screened to establish the exact process usedo  Some of the engines available to schools and universities retain a copy of papers submitted. Using these engines would instantly cause research papers provided by our writers to be invalid for your purposes.†¢Ã‚  Successful returns are then immediately forwarded to your email box for use.